Author Archives: DudeOfAwesome
SpaceZombies released to Github
Today, I committed the initial release of SpaceZombies, a top-down space shooter, to Github. SpaceZombies features my brand new particle engine, which includes dynamically colored particles, fading, particle emitters, randomized particle spreading, and removal of particles after a fixed amount of time. If you wish to download SpaceZombies in an executable jar file, you can […]
Initial release of starfoxPC
Today, starfoxPC has been released and is now available for download at It is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, and Android. StarfoxPC is my final project for GITA 4: AP Computer Science, which I worked on with Josh Gibbs, Bryan Clark, and Christine Fang. We started this project in April of this year, […]
Photos from my family’s trip to Yosemite
These pictures are from my family’s trip to Yosemite National Park over this spring break. I took a day long photography class while there from the Ansel Adams gallery in Yosemite Village.
Pictures from my trip to Colorado
I took these pictures with my aunt on a trip to Colorado. We went around to many places in Colorado Springs including The Garden of the Gods, a downtown Catholic church, and a few parks.
Photos from bike race
These are some pictures from a bike race that a friend was racing in.
People shots at Fullerton Pumpkin Launch
This set of pictures was focusing on portraiture. More specifically, I attempted to remove distractions in the background from most of the shots by use of depth of field.
Pictures from trip to San Francisco
This was my first decent set of pictures since I got my second-hand Pentax K100D. I took these in San Francisco when I went there to visit family.